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Online BMI Calculator

Use this free online BMI calculator tool to identify if you are underweight, ideal or obese based on your weight and height. Though it does not actually measure the percentage of body fat, this body mass index calculator is a useful tool to estimate a healthy body weight based on how tall a person is. Due to its ease of measurement and calculation, the BMI is the most widely used diagnostic tool to identify obesity problems within a population. Please be aware your BMI can tell you if you're carrying too much weight, but it cannot tell if you're carrying too much fat nor can it tell the difference between excess fat, muscle or bone or take into account age, gender or muscle mass. Okay, so what does that mean? Basically, very muscular adults and athletes may be classed 'overweight' or even 'obese' despite their body fat being low just as adults who lose muscle as Cont/...



Free Body Mass Index Calculator

they get older may fall into the 'healthy weight' range even though they may be carrying excess fat. Pregnancy will also affect a woman's BMI result as your BMI will go up as your weight increases. As such, you should use your pre-pregnancy weight when calculating your BMI. That being said, the BMI is a relatively straightforward and convenient way of assessing someone's weight however does NOT replace proper medical advice so, if you are concerned about your height or weight, you should consult your doctor. For more information check out the video below.