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Magic Camera Novelty

This old magic camera novelty is based on late Victorian technology and will take and develop your photograph online by updating the old scientific principles. It was was originally only fully usuable when the very first inventors were able to tentatively understand the principles of "heliography" which led to the first permanent photograph of a camera image being "taken" in 1825 by Joseph Nicrephore Niepce using a sliding wooden box camera made by Charles and Vincent Chevalier in Paris. Whilst many computers nowadays have a built in camera function, this Magic Camera, as it was known in the 1890s, simply uses light disfractment; an old scientific term for using the ionised particles on any glass plate such as your computer screen. The results aren't perfect but give you some insight into how the inventors of the past thought and worked, leading the way to today's technological advancements.



Magic Camera Novelty