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Funny Optical Illusions

Okay, we've called this page our funny optical illusions collection which they sort of are, but there's a bit of cheating going on as well. Okay, a lot - that was another illusion, they are funny though. Well we think so but if you want to see more check out our optical illusions video.

Check out the guy preening himself in the mirror and, if you are prepared to be truly shocked, the illusion at the bottom of the page. You will really begin to beleve magic is real so we've posted that content behind a wall for the faint-hearted. Can you believe your eyes?

After you watch these funny optical illusions why not check out our other free online visual illusions, we've collected the best of the net.


Funny Optical Illusions

Think you look good? Be honest with yourself!

Funny Optical Illusions

One of our dafter funny optical illusions, dressing up as a tree (as you do) but still funny!

Funny Optical Illusions

Okay, so you're a couple of black guys pulled over by the cops. What better way to be waved on with a cheery "you have a nice day now" than using the strategy shown here in another of our funny optical illusions?

Funny Optical Illusions

In another of our funny online illusions, you'll never comfortably walk past a heap of bin liners again!

There are times when you see an illusion so deep and profound it calls into question everything you thought you knew about life, the universe and, well, everything. Because of that, we've hidden this final illusion and recommend it only be viewed by those who are prepared to open their minds to the possibility of true invisibility. Proceed with caution. Thank-you.