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Free Mortgage Calculator

House mortgages play a crucial role in the real estate market, enabling individuals to purchase homes without having to pay the entire cost upfront. There are three main types of mortgages; Fixed-Rate Mortgages: These have an interest rate that remains constant for a specified period (usually 2 to 5 years or more) where monthly repayments stay consistent, providing protection against interest rate fluctuations. Tracker Mortgages where interest rate tracks the Bank of England base rate, usually at a slightly higher percentage, then, as the base rate changes, your repayments adjust accordingly. Finally, Standard Variable Rate (SVR) mortgages which are typically higher than the base rate. Check out our free online mortgage calculator below to find out your monthly replayments and total interest payable.



Free Mortgage Calculator

This free online mortgage calculator will help you plan your finances by deciding what you can afford when you apply for a mortgage. Simply state how much you intend to borrow then find out your potential lender's current interest rates. The mortgage calculator will then inform you of the likely monthly repayments as well as telling you how much you will pay out over the lifetime of the mortage. Bit scarey to look at the figures, but at least you'll be properly informed!