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Cheating Boyfriend Prank Call

This is a prank phone call that starts off as just a bit of harmless fun but goes oh so horribly wrong. The girlfriend Kim phones into a radio show to play a prank phone call on her boyfriend of around a year, Greg. Now Greg seems to a be a highly attentive boyfriend, always giving her flowers and chocolates as well as making other romantic gestures. But it's a long distance relationship and they only get to see each other most weekends. Makes you wonder what Greg gets up to in between doesn't it?

Well listen to this prank phone call and all will be revealed much to Kim's horror. The lesson? Please, don't send roses to your wife live on radio when your listening in girlfriend doesn't know you're married!



Cheating Boyfriend Prank Call

After you've watched/listened to this funny cheating boyfriend prank call, why not check out some of our other funny online prank calls?