Online Insanity Test
Take our free online insanity test and stare at an image for 60 seconds without laughing and going mad! Whether it’s a legal defense or a colloquial expression, insanity points to a state of mind that deviates from the norm, often with serious consequences but there are no serious consequences about this insanity test, which really isn't a test at all, well maybe in the loosest sense. In fact it's a bit naff so we took it down for a while then got a hoard of emails asking us to put it backup, clearly some of our visitors like the lower end stuff in life. Now if you really want an insanity test, check out the Scary Room below and you really will question your sanity, or even confirm your insanity. Then try our idiot test! It's called an idiot test but it's actually quite clever and will test your true ability to follow instructions. After you take this insanity test, why not check out our other free stuff online? |