Tim Henman Autograph


Tim Henman Autograph

Tim Henman was born on 6th September 1974 and went on to become to become the highest ranked UK tennis player since Roger Taylor in the 1970s, though later eclipsed by Andy Murray. He won fifteen career titles, but never reached the pinnacle of his career as his time was during an era of some of tennis's all times greats, not least the impressive Roger Federer. In fact, when once asked if it would be possible to beat the Swiss legend, Henman replied, "Well, if you take Roddick's serve, Agassi's return, my volley, and Hewitt's speed, you've probably got a chance." Henman announced at a press conference on 23 August 2007 that he would retire from tennis after the Davis Cup match against Croatia in September 2007 and now provides tennis commentary as well as being active within the Wimbledon organisation.

Tim Henman Autograph

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