Telly Savalas Autograph


Telly Savalas Autograph

Aristotelis "Telly" Savalas was born on January 21st 1922. Before his movie career, Savalas was an actor on TV shows during the late 1950s and the 1960s before landing the iconic part of Kojak in the TV series of the same name having first shaved his head for the role of Pontius Pilate in the 1965 movie 'The Greatest Story Ever Told' and deciding the look. Kojak was cancelled due to low ratings in 1978 however Savalas reprised the role in a number of subsequent Kojak movies. He died on 22nd January 1994. Oh, and did we mention that Jennifer Aniston is Telly Savalas' god-daughter? Who loves ya, baby!

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