Nelson Mandela Autograph


Nelson Mandela Autograph

Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was born on the 18th July 1918 in the Transkei, South Africa. Described by former UK Prime Minister. Margaret Thatcher, as a terrorist, he served twenty seven years in prison for politically motivated acts of sabotage. However, following his release, he became South Africa's first democratically elected President and was revered around the world for his courage in his attempts to find a path of reconciliation not just for the injustices he and his fellow South Africans endured under Apartheid, but for the entire continent of Africa which he dreams will one day be united. "If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner." He died on 5th December 2013.

Nelson Mandela Autograph

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