Joaquin Phoenix Autograph


Joaquin Phoenix Autograph

Jeremy Joaquin Rafael Phoenix was born on born October 28th, 1974 as Joaquin Rafael Bottom although later known as Leaf Phoenix before adopting his current name. Joaquin Phoenix rose to fame following his role as Commodus in The Gladiator (2000). Phoenix laughed off reports that he was launching a singing career after playing country music legend Johnny Cash in movie biopic Walk the Line however on October 27th 2008, Joaquin Phoenix announced his retirement from films in order to focus on his music career. Two years later he resumed his acting career and later won an Academy Award, a British Academy Film Award, a Screen Actors Guild Award and a second Golden Globe Award for his portrayal of the title character in Joker (2019). In 2020, he was ranked 12th on the list of the 25 Greatest Actors of the 21st Century by The New York Times.

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