Basil Rathbone Autograph


Basil Rathbone Autograph

Basil Rathbone was born on 13th June 1892 and became most famous for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. Born in South Africa to English parents, the Rathbones fled to England when Basil was just three years old, after his father was accused by the Boers of being a British spy at the beginning of the Second Boer War at the end of the 1890s. Starting with his first love of stage, Basil Rathbone later moved into films tending to play suave English types, epitomised by his portrayal in 14 films of Sherlock Holmes. Despite living in America, he never renounced his British citizenship. Basil Rathbone died of a heart attack in New York in 1967 aged 75.

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