Andrew Lloyd Webber Autograph


Andrew Lloyd Webber Autograph

Andrew Lloyd Webber was born on 22nd March 1948 and just six years later started composing music publishing his first piece at the age of just nine! Lloyd Webber, together with lyricist Tim Rice, is responsible for a string of West End hits many of which have been successfully exported to Broadway. Many of these are household names including Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (1968), Jesus Christ Superstar (1970), Evita (1976), Cats (1981), Starlight Express (1984), The Phantom of the Opera (1986), and, more recently, Cinderella in 2021. He has even helped out on TV shows such as the X Factor and a range of talent shows on the BBC scouting for leads in new musicals he is composing. The winner of many awards, Andrew Lloyd Webber is still active today and, since 2010, his foundation has awarded over nineteen million pounds to projects that focus on the enhancement of arts education and participation, improving access and increasing diversity across the arts, culture and heritage sector.

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